Who is

Jeff Ravage?

My job is that of a forestry practitioner, that means I actively work in logging, conservation and ecological research. I am a lover of nature and all its facets, including, and above all, people. I have spent over a decade in the forests and the fields of the new Senate District 4, and know many of you personally. I believe in democracy, truth and fairness, no matter how underrated those things are these days. I am a feminist, which means I believe men and woman are equal in all respects, and that’s all it means. I believe we should stand by the downtrodden and overlooked and not actively strive to make their lives harder. I trust science, but I also respect common sense.

Being on the forefront, I know that climate change is real. I do not have to “believe in it.” But what I do believe is that we can meet the challenges a century of rampant growth and pollution has saddled us with. And I know the only way we can do that is together.

I hope you’ll join me.