I’m Jeff Ravage And I’m running for Colorado State Senate, District 4. I make my living outdoors, as do many of the folks in this district. I work in Forestry and Fire two very important parts of Colorado’s future. I am also a pioneer in using mushrooms to heal the environment after catastrophes such as flood, fire and our plain old polluting ways. Check out my site and decide if you’re looking for a future Colorado where the trees grow green, the air flows fresh, and regular people can live their dream.
-A Colorado for Coloradans

A word from Mr. Ravage:

In Colorado’s Senate District 4, we live in the wildland/urban interface. But we also live in the wildland/human interface where our needs as individuals either align or collide with the flow of nature. And the one issue that stands above all others in our mountainous communities is Climate Change. Global Warming is not a matter of belief, it is a fact, and each season we see its effects increasing. Any party that continues to deny this is merely boasting about its inability to lead into the future.

A new economy is coming–a potential boon for Colorado. We are well positioned with a cadre of scientists and entrepreneurs who will develop the new energy technologies and perfect those we already have.  And this will bring will bring the same number, if not more, of well-paying jobs as the oil and gas industry created.
Our beautiful green forests drink in gigatons of carbon every year, this will soon become an income producing resource through the growing carbon markets. If we can keep our forests. Make no mistake, we may be the last generation to see vast forests covering our purple mountains as the triad of wildfire, disease and insects hovers relentlessly.
Education is under attack because it is science that was right about COVID-19 and is right about the coming Climate Crisis. But you don’t reduce infections by refusing to test people, and you don’t stop a global catastrophe by trying to dumb down the populace.

We’re in a tricky spot right now. We could either become a beacon of hope and innovation in the uncertain times ahead. The opposition is lost and side tracked by trumped-up non-issues that tie them up in knots of anger. But they are also tough. We need to be tough as well. And that begins with standing by the truth and fighting for it.

A whole passel of candidates and supporters in Florissant Colorado.